Greetings, dear readers,

As we celebrate Customer Service Week, may I underline the fact that we at Stratcomm Africa consider Customer Service as going beyond just specific interactions or transactions with individual customers. For us, Customer Service is how we even present ourselves and our offerings to the world; it is our very heartbeat. We relate to the need of the customer from our heart.

 Customer Service: A Win-Win

 At its core, customer service is about serving your customer in a way that not only brings them value but also serves your purpose of delivering service with excellence and being appropriately remunerated for the service rendered. It is a two-way street – a win for the customer and a win for the service provider. You meet the expectation of the customer such that your organizations goal and employee aspirations are also met. 

 We excel in customer service and, in return, the customer rewards us with their goodwill, trust, loyalty and continued business.

 Building Enduring Relationships

 Customer service is about creating and maintaining enduring relationships which do not just benefit the customer; they are equally vital to the success of the business of the service provider.

At Stratcomm Africa, we understand that exceptional customer service isn't a one-time endeavor. It is a commitment to meet and exceed customer expectations consistently, thus building trust and rapport, which are the cornerstones of lasting relationships.

 The Power of Doing Good

Basically, customer service says, “Do unto others what you would have them do to you. Serve every customer the way you would like to be served.”  When we do good by our customers, we are, in essence, doing good for ourselves. It is a circle of positivity that extends to our team, our organization, including our stakeholders. The extent to which you demonstrate interest in someone else’s need when serving them informs the extent to which they also develop and maintain positive interest in your need. 

 In our journey as service providers, it is easy to forget that we, too, expect to be beneficiaries of excellent customer service. Be reminded that when we prioritize customer service, everyone wins.

 'If You Do Good, You Do for Yourself'

As we reflect on the significance of customer service this week, I invite you to listen to the highlife song by the celebrated Ghanaian  musician, Akwasi Ampofo Agyei titled, IF YOU DO GOOD, YOU DO FOR YOURSELF, IF YOU DO BAD, YOU DO FOR YOURSELFWO YE PAPA WO YE FA.The message in this song resonates deeply with our approach to customer service – doing good not just for our customers but for ourselves.

Customer Service -A Collective Responsibility

It is important, therefore, to recognize that customer service is not just a department within an organization; it is a collective responsibility. Every member of an organization, from the CEO/MD to the front-line staff, plays a role in delivering exceptional service. It is the sum of all these efforts that defines an organization's commitment to customer service.

 Customer Service –Basis for Business Success

Let us continue to embrace the ethos of exceptional customer service, for it is the heartbeat of our success and the foundation upon which enduring relationships and successful businesses are built.


Stratcomm Africa
