Humans of Stratcomm Africa – Episode 2- Emmanuella Yamoah

Emmanuella Naa Komley Yamoah, affectionately known as Ella, brings the energy of 20 staff to her role as a consummate marketing communications professional at Stratcomm Africa.

With her expertise in strategic media relations, she expertly handles a diverse portfolio of clients, infusing the team with her bubbly, comedic and kind nature.

A true “Motowner,” Ella proudly hails from the Grey City of Outlaw Hills, and her journey in the field of marketing communications reflects her dedication and passion for the industry.

Discover Ella’s inspiring career trajectory and her vision for driving success at Stratcomm Africa in the latest episode of Humans of Africa.

How did you end up pursuing a career in public relations despite studying psychology during your undergraduate studies??

My PR journey began during my national service at SIC Insurance PLC, where I worked in the corporate affairs department. The dynamic and impactful nature of public relations, along with the freedom to be creative, captured my heart. This inspired me to pursue a master’s degree in PR.  The degree has significantly contributed to my career by providing me with advanced knowledge and skills in PR, enhancing my ability to strategically communicate and engage with various stakeholders.

What motivated your decision to join the Stratcomm Africa family in November 2021??

After wrapping up my master’s, I went on the lookout for a workplace that vibes with my values. Stratcomm Africa caught my eye with its rocking innovative campaigns and making a real impact, totally in sync with my career goals. Bonus: my lecturer was always giving shoutouts to the company in class. Now, I’m thrilled to be part of the Stratcomm Africa team, injecting my energy into their fantastic projects.

 How do you balance the theoretical knowledge gained through your education with the practical experiences acquired in your current role at Stratcomm?

Integrating the insights from my psychology undergrad and the strategic know-how from my PR master’s is like combining the best of both worlds. It’s like I learned the mind games in psych and then leveled up to PR strategy!

Now, at Stratcomm Africa, where we blend the art and science of communication, it’s more like being a communication genius. My articles are masterpieces – a fusion of theory and real-world finesse. It’s not your typical 9-to-5; it’s more like crafting messages that harmonize between the textbook and the street smarts of the PR world. So yeah, I’d say my education and the cool vibes at Stratcomm are a match made in communication heaven!

As Deputy Speaker for JCR at Elizabeth Frances Sey Hall, what valuable experiences or lessons did you gain that you still apply in your professional life today?

As Deputy Speaker for JCR at Elizabeth Frances Sey Hall, I learned the fine art of understanding people and their needs – part leader, part mediator, and let’s admit it, part comedian (I have always been a character). Little did I know, these skills seamlessly transitioned into my professional life in PR. It’s all about knowing your stakeholders and crafting messages that resonate with them. Maybe my passion for PR started back then, and I just didn’t notice it amidst late-night hall meetings and event planning. Who knew being Deputy Speaker was the best unintentional PR prep.

Can you provide a glimpse into your typical day’s routine and activities at Stratcomm Africa?

Starting with check-ins and a quick prayer, my day at Stratcomm Africa kicks off on a positive note. Whether diving into Zoom meetings or working on strategies with my Air Pods on, it’s a blend of connection and creativity. Occasionally, I take a screen break to keep things fresh. That’s the short and sweet of my not-so-typical day.

Could you highlight a memorable experience from your time at Stratcomm Africa?

That has to be during the COVID-19 education campaign. We faced the challenge of finding the best approach to educate Ghanaians about COVID-19. Our team unleashed a creative storm, incorporating music, drama, dance, cartoon characters, and even a dash of comedy. The impact was nothing short of amazing.

It was more than just a campaign; it was a powerful communication experience. We realized the diverse ways people absorb information, and using a variety of mediums allowed us to reach a broader audience. The project was not just about relaying information but making it resonate in ways that truly connects with people.

How do you unwind and spend your leisure time when not engaged in work-related activities?

Listen, I love a good time! Thankfully, my friends are also very outgoing. You’ll probably catch me out and about enjoying live band music, hitting the dance floor at a lounge, embarking on spontaneous road trips, soaking up the amazing healing power of the beach, or enjoying a new cooking experiences. Whatever it is, if I’m having a great time, call me in!

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