Since our establishment 30 years ago, Stratcomm Africa has consistently stayed abreast with the evolution  of the communication  industry. For us, the changes present exciting  opportunities for being creative in meeting the communication needs of our stakeholders. The onset of the Covid – 19 pandemic sped up digital transformation globally, resulting in increased use of information technology in all spheres of life. Digital channels of communication are gaining in significance every second, a reality we have to take into account in advising our clients.

At Stratcomm Africa, we recognise the importance of being strategic in the application of digital channels for impact. This is why we have been very deliberate about the creation of digital communication offerings to respond both to current needs and with an eye on the future. We are also conscious of the “digital divide”; much of the population in Africa has virtually no access to the internet and digital channels may simply not be readily available to them. Efforts are being made to bridge this divide and, perhaps, ensure that its offerings continue to stay relevant and impactful.

Over the years what has continued to set Stratcomm Africa apart is our agility in relation to evolving trends in communication. Today, our grounding in strategic communications and our skills in the use of digital channels further distinguishes us.

Stratcomm Africa is responding to the professional demands of the digital era with flexibility and courage whilst  maintaining  our standard of excellence. We have introduced initiatives and services that have bolstered our position as Ghana’s premier total communications agency, especially in this digital era.  We would like to thank our staff, past and present, our clients, past and present, our partners and other stakeholders for their continued confidence and support.

Looking to the future,  we will continue to be  pacesetters in communication excellence, as we remain committed to delivering value to our clients, supporting people and contributing to the development of our communities.