Humans of Stratcomm Africa Cynthia

 true embodiment of the George Halas quote, “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it,” meet Cynthia Esi Dannah, the Corporate Communications Officer at Stratcomm Africa.

Known for her ability to connect with people effortlessly, Cynthia has captivated both her colleagues and clients with her composed demeanor, warm personality, and positive outlook towards work. 

From ensuring that the team is collectively feeling uplifted every Monday morning by coordinating our corporate fellowship to scheduling quarterly Happy Hour to make us eat and dance the stress away, Cynthia approaches every task with her best foot forward.

Her desire for team harmony does not end in the office. Cynthia radiates the same positive energy when juggling her family responsibilities as well as other extracurricular activities. Her supportive husband and adorable children can surely testify to this! Get to know more about Cynthia in our latest interview below.

What motivated you to pursue a career in Communications?

Cynthia: During my undergraduate studies, I remember my lecturer sharing a story where he said a community prioritized a brass band over a life-saving borehole, despite facing health risks from contaminated water. Explaining how that could have been handled better, the lecturer spoke extensively about the use of stakeholder engagement and strategic communications in empowering communities to make informed decisions. I will say that was a turning point for me. It was this realization that ignited my passion to pursue a career in communication with the intent of using the power of communication to drive development.

How do you balance your roles as a Corporate Communications Officer at Stratcomm Africa and being a mother of two?

Cynthia: Eiii, balancing work and family life? I honestly have no idea how ooo. All I can say is, it is just by grace, “takashi (skills) and mpaebo bebreee (a whole lot of prayer)….hehe”.  Well, I do a lot of planning and I always ask for help when necessary.

Can you share a memorable experience where your smile, warmth, and hard work made a significant impact? 

Cynthia: There was one particular field assignment I participated in, and I remember that the intended community was rendered inaccessible due to flooding. Swiftly adapting to the situation, we improvised and had to move to a neighboring community to gather the necessary data. Because the other community was not expecting us, they were not too enthused about the exercise. Despite meeting some initial skepticism from the community members, my approachable demeanor and warmth played a key role in fostering trust and encouraging engagement. By actively listening and employing empathetic communication techniques, I successfully connected with the community members.

Why is it so important for you to support your colleagues in the field?? 

Cynthia: Supporting colleagues in the field is crucial because effective communication relies on teamwork and collaboration. This our job “de3” is not a one-man thing ooo, it involves a lot of teamwork and collaboration as earlier said. And I am always happy to support whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

What strategies do you use to stay self-motivated in your work?

Cynthia: I maintain a positive mindset by reflecting on the significance of my role to my team, clients, and organization. Additionally, I celebrate every win, big or small.

How do you leverage your interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills in your role?

Cynthia: I am a people person with a warm personality, and I leverage this to build strong relationships and collaborate effectively. My communication skills enable me to convey messages clearly and tailor them to different audiences. Additionally, my organizational skills help me manage tasks efficiently and meet deadlines effectively because it can really get crazy especially when you work in an agency where you must cater for the unique needs of our various clients with tight deadlines. If you do not plan and prioritize well, you will always find yourself wanting. Overall, I will say these skills allow me to contribute effectively to the success of my organization and that of our clients.

Can you share an example of a challenging situation you faced at work and how you overcame it?

Cynthia: A client faced reputational risk due to some negative publicity. Through prompt action, transparent communication, and stakeholder engagement, I effectively managed to diffuse the situation and protected the client’s reputation. Collaborating closely with my team at Stratcomm Africa, internal and external stakeholders, we successfully steered through the challenge.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to a career in Communications?

Cynthia:    For those aspiring a career in communications, my advice would be to cultivate a diverse skill set that encompasses strong writing, interpersonal, and strategic thinking abilities. Seek opportunities for hands-on experience through internships, volunteering, or freelance projects to gain practical knowledge. Additionally, stay updated on industry trends, technologies, and best practices through continuous learning and networking. Again, I will emphasize finding internship programs and always giving your best once the opportunity presents itself.

How do you use your skills to make a meaningful impact, both in your professional and personal life?

Cynthia: Effective communication fosters understanding, drives positive change, and builds meaningful connections. At work, I strive to develop strategies that make a meaningful impact, ensuring our messages resonate with stakeholders and align with organizational goals. These same principles extend to my family life, where open communication is key to building strong relationships with my loved ones. Whether it is fostering a positive and inclusive environment at home or advocating for important causes, I believe clear communication is a powerful tool for making a difference in both my professional and personal spheres.

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